Sunday, July 28, 2013

Finished With the Move

     The week has finally come to an end. At work we have spent the last week moving our base from Little Tia Juana in Murray down to a much nicer location in Draper. Hopefully gone are the days when I will have to worry that when I come out to go home in the afternoon I will find pieces of my car missing. In that sense at least, victory. Yay!

     On the other hand, I have spent the last week trying to run my office out of boxes. Needless to say, this has worked, but not particularly well. This week will be dedicated to getting back into the routine, getting caught up, and generally trying not to lose any more hair trying to get things to go right.

     On the bright side, the new office is great. I have a 32" TV for a computer monitor and a wireless keyboard, so I can quite literally sit on one end of my office and see the computer screen on the other end no problem. All in all, the move was a great thing and a long time coming, but I'm glad that it's over.

     Schoolwork meanwhile has been wearing on me after I get home. I'm in the home stretch of getting my bachelors in accounting and right now I'm going through my least favorite subject, Federal Income Tax accounting. Two more weeks of that and then on to something else.

     I'm trying to get into a routine that will allow me to find time to write again. I've been so busy that it's easy to justify that I don't have the time, but the truth is that I haven't made the time. I'm probably starting up again with my completed YA novel, Dead in the Water, which is in need of a revision but otherwise close to me being able to submit it. More on this to follow.

     That's all for now. I've watched a couple of movies lately, I'm going to try to get reviews of them up this week. Until then, have a great week!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Fragments by Dan Wells

     I just finished Fragments by Dan Wells. This is the second book in the Partials sequence published through HarperCollins Publishers.

     Initially I was hesitant to pick up this book. I had read Partials, and while the idea intrigued me the story left me a little flat. It could have been me, I had just finished reading Stephen King's The Stand, after all, and perhaps the apocalyptic disease story processing center of my brain was in overload. For whatever reason, however, it disappointed me and I was reluctant to continue the series. I even reread the I Am Not A Serial Killer trilogy to remind me why I liked Dan Wells' writing as much as I do.

     Fragments was much better than Partials, almost immediately. It starts off with more action and for some reason I was able to empathize with and care about the characters this time around, something that I just couldn't have cared less about the first time around.

     The story basically picks up a little while after Partials, in the wake of the discovery that RM has a cure. Kira Walker, the 17 yr old medic/agitator and main character is off on her own, searching for the Trust, the group of leaders that the Partial army reports to. She has a lot of questions about who she is and what their plan is for the fate of the world. Is there a way to synthesize the cure? And what about the new development of the Partial expiration date?

     I don't intend to give things away in this review, only to say that the book is full of well-written action sequences, much better character development than the first book, and even a quest across the wrecked and ruined United States. The ending had a nice twist, and I'm actually excited to dig into the next volume whenever it comes out. Job well done, Mr. Wells. 4 out of 5 stars.

     In other news I just learned that Peter Clines' novel Ex-Communication, is available, and I am going to be moving through that one soon. Here's the cover:

     For those of you unfamiliar with this series, it's a cross between the Avengers and The Walking Dead. Great story, fun idea. If you like zombie stories and superhero stories, do yourself a favor and check this series out.

     I'm currently reading Storm Surge by Taylor Anderson. I absolutely love this series. A US navy destroyer in WWII slips into a parallel universe where the earth has not developed along the same timeline nor even the same species. It's a little bit King Kong, a little bit an old WWII movie, and a healthy dose of adventure laced with pseudo-steampunk for good measure. I'll be posting a review of this latest shortly, but if you're looking at getting into the series, the first book is called Into the Storm. It's a lot of fun, check it out.

     That's all I've got for the day. Now I have to get back to Forensic Accounting and Tax Law. Blee-ech. Oh well. Y'all have a great day!