Monday, January 3, 2011

Birthday Shout-Out

On this day in 1892 J.R.R. Tolkien was born. Ironically, the Father of the Fantasy Genre's birthday comes just one day after Isaac Asimov, who if not the Father of Sci-Fi, at least his work has been key to the development of that genre.
Anyway, I've enjoyed both of these authors for years. They're classics in their own right. I just wanted to take a chance and thank both of these men for there contributions to the world of fiction. Happy Birthday.


  1. Word up, dude. Tolkien is the grand poo-bah of epic fantasy, but since sci-fi is significantly more diverse, we can say Asimov is the grand poo-bah of robot fiction, yes?

  2. Without a doubt, grand poo-bah vote affirmed.
